Wairimũ Nduba is a Kenyan multidisciplinary creative researcher whose practice is rooted and guided by African sonic principles which hold music to be a
25 and 26 May 2023 Taking the recent criticism of global history as a starting point, this conference seeks to discuss the future pathways
Heritage in the Hands of African Youth 4th May 2023, 16:00 – 18:00 GMT The ICOMOS Emerging Professionals Working Group for the Africa Region
Kylie Kiunguyu is a Communications specialist with a penchant for poetry and creative writing. She has over nine years’ experience in the corporate and
Join Dr. Makau Kitata (University of Nairobi), Prof. Kenny Cupers (University of Basel), Ngaahika Ndeenda original cast, Brian Mathenge (Traveling Theater for Social Justice),
It has been two years since the historic Jagger Library of the University of Cape Town was struck by a massive wildfire. As a
Join our Head of Programs and Outreach, Mutanu Kyany’a, alongside other panelists on Tuesday, March 14th, at 14:00-17:00 GMT, for the “Digital Storytelling in
Radical Hope: Pan-African Histories and Futures Program 2023, brings together a diverse group of leading historians, activists, artists, community leaders, and more to explore