Open Restitution Africa

The Open Restitution Project is an Africa-led project seeking to open up access to information on restitution of African material culture and human ancestors, to empower all stakeholders involved to make knowledge-based decisions.

The project will gather data on current restitution processes across the African continent,  serve as a portal of case studies and best practice examples, and encourage a data-informed, in-depth and challenging debate on the complexities, responsibilities and ethical imperatives of restitution

Open Restitution is founded on three main pillars, transparency, access and centralization. We believe that opening up data around restitution will allow African practitioners to make data informed decisions, while working across geographical differences to learn from and collaborate with each other.


Restitution Dialogues

To launch the project, Open Restitution Africa hosted  a series of webinar discussions with practitioners from across the African continent to introduce key themes in restitution and explain some of the intricacies of the challenges and processes of restitution

Open Restitution is a collaborative project between African Digital Heritage and Andani Africa

Project Website