In an increasingly digital world, the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage in the Global South has become paramount, thanks to the diversity of voices, histories, and traditions that need to be safeguarded and celebrated.
In this presentation, Mutanu Kyany’a sheds light on the efforts of African Digital Heritage (ADH) in radically re-imagining, re-defining and restoring African pasts alongside communities and cultural heritage practitioners on the African continent.
She will spotlight case studies and success stories of ADH’s work in preserving and promoting African heritage. She takes us through digitisation initiatives, community engagement projects, and research projects that point to the transformative power of digital technologies in reconstructing African histories and identities, and what that means for our present and future realities.
Wednesday the 24th of April at 10am (GMT-5) or 5:00PM EAT
The Explorers Project of the International Federation for Public History, is a space devoted to informing and promoting activities and international debates between historians and other professionals researching or interested in public history. Its main goal is to encourage conversation and collaboration between scholars, activists, artists, and the public. Explorers is an online initiative which encourages research and networking related to the practice of public history.